

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I can't believe this book series has come to an end, it feels so bittersweet! It feels so surreal now that it's over, I remembering first reading this series when only three books were out and blitzing through all three in nearly a day!

I have to say Fierce is still probably my favourite, but each story has been so amazing to read I have absolutely adored it! What I love the most about these books is the great plot along with the characters! I love how all the characters made features in the rest of the books too!

I loved the girl group in this book, Poppy and Ruby were such great friends to Harley and I loved their dynamic! I was also surprised and absolutely adored the friendship between Kyle, Zayn and Ashton! I was not expecting a bromance between them and it was so good to read!

The plot of this was amazing and the way the relationship between them developed was so beautiful to read, I love past sins kind of relationships and this one served!

Check out this book when it comes out February 11th!


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