

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I have loved every second of this series and now I can't believe that it's over! Following each journey was a whirlwind and I loved each and every story, Sebastian's was no exception! I was not expecting the direction that this book took, but I loved it all the same.

I loved being able to see all the characters from the series at odd parts too, although we didn't see Riona - everyone else turned up at some point, which I loved!

Sebastian was an amazing character, as I expected when I eagerly awaited his book! I loved him and he turned out a little darker than I expected, but I adored that even more! Yelena was the perfect match for him, they were like two halves of the same whole.

The plot is always phenomenal in Sophie's books and this one was amazing too, I was on the edge of my seat and the drama and action was insane. I was not expecting it at all!

I love Nero so much, sorry just need to add - I'm gonna miss him, I glad we got to see a little of him in this book.

At the end of this book, we got a little hint of the next series and I AM SO BEYOND EXCITED! I just know it's going to be amazing and I can't wait for it!


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