

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH! I need more already, this one completely blew me away - I was left shocked from the get-go. I was not expecting half of what happened in this book and that's why I loved it so much!

Lars was so much darker than I thought he'd be and yet so sweet all wrapped into one, I was also not expecting Willa's character and for her to be Lars match - but they both just fit so perfectly!

The plot of this book was phenomenal, I'm still so hooked and I can't wait for Tommy's book - I love the running plot throughout, along with the other plots of the character coming into it as well!

I adored Willa and Lars, I loved their little backstory as well - I thought their relationship was done so well, along with the other characters too! It was interesting seeing different sides to them from the first book and learning more!

Once again can't wait to read Tommy's and I'm so intrigued to see where this series ends!

Check out this book when it comes out January 28th!


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