

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I have missed reading Kelsey Clayton's work, so when this arrived on my kindle - I was so excited to dive back into one of her worlds again! This book just reminded how much I missed all the characters and omg it was so good to read them all again.

I swear I end up nearly crying at every Clayton book, I mean I definitely did cry at this one as well! The way she writes the relationships and especially the plot is so good. What I loved most is that the plot was so focused on, this wasn't just a story about a couple and falling in love but it ran deeper and more intense than that.

I loved both Paige and Jace, they were so perfect for one another - I loved the childhood love trope too, they were it for each other from the beginning and it was beautiful reading Paige helping Jace out of such a dark place.

The thing I loved most about this book though was Carter and Jace. Their friendship made me cry the most, I love reading about friendships that go above and beyond and run deeper than blood. Carter and Jace did not disappoint - the way that Carter was there for Jace through everything was beautiful to see, I feel they were what mattered the most in the book to me and were equally important to Paige and Jace.

I'm so excited for Carter's book, to see more of Jace and Carter, but also to see the effect this whole situation had from Carter's side too. I am so intrigued and so ready to read about him, I don't know how I've gone from hating him in Delaney's book to now completely adoring and begging for his book. Just shows how amazing his development has been written and how much he has matured!

Check out this book when it comes out January 7th!


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