

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

Warning this book does contain triggers.
When I read the preview of this book in the Love at First Bite Halloween Anthology I knew I needed to read this book ASAP, I'm so happy I was able to get an ARC to review early! I was not disappointed, this is the beginning to an intriguing and amazing series I can already tell. It's a series of standalones.

I really loved most of the characters they were very dark and deep and intricate, my favourite has to be Tanner I can't wait to read a book on him. Marni and Talon were fire from the very beginning and I loved them together.

What really pulled me in was the plot, the book had a thread of mystery throughout and I LOVE a good mystery. That reveal at the end though really surprised me and I'm excited to see what happens next.

There's one character who reminded me a little of Damon Torrance in this book, however this one I absolutely despise - I hope he doesn't get a book or a redemption because I honestly don't think he deserves one he aggravates me THAT much.

I am on the edge of my seat waiting in anticipation for the next book, I cannot wait!

Check out this book when it comes out November 12th!


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