

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

WOW WOW WOW WOW. This book wrecked me, I wasn't expecting to love Royce's story as much as I did, but boy did I. I think it's because you just can't help the Brayshaw world that Meagan created. It felt so long since I dived into it again, it felt like coming home and everything rushed back to me. I'm going to have to serve a reread of the series very soon when I'm free because I already miss this world. If it was possible to give more than 5 stars I would.

I didn't love this book as much as Be My Brayshaw, but that's just because I have an unhealthy obsession with Victoria and she's definitely my favourite character. Even still, this book knocked me over. I just loved every second of it. I wanted more Victoria, but I think I'm a bit too needy here LOL.

Royce blew me away, he was so loveable and so hot and so Royce - you can't help but fall in love with him and I'm so glad that he got his happy ending that he deserved. There was one point in the book that completely wrecked me and I just wanted to give him a hug and tell him that he was going to get everything he deserved.

Brielle surprised me SO much, I was not expecting her character to be the way she was after reading Victoria and Raven - but she was amazing and just what the Brayshaws' needed to complete them. I love that we were able to see Bass again too, I'm so intrigued to see where Meagan takes him next. I love seeing the Brayshaw family complete, it definitely felt bitter sweet.

WE FINALLY GOT TO SEE RAVEN'S BABY!! Yess and the moments between Victoria and Zoey melted my heart. There's just something about this family that completely reels me in.

We definitely got hints of the next series and spin-off Meagan is planning and I am super pumped for the little glimpse we got, I already know I'm going to love it and the characters involved.

I can't believe this series is over, I feel like crying. I hope one day we get an extended epilogue from all 6's point of views so we can say one big goodbye - but if not I'm still happy and also sad with the way this ended. Because now it's over.

Check out this book on November 19th, you don't want to miss out on Royce's story!


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