
Wow, I am honestly loving this series!
This book follows Ethan, the best friend of Mason and Jake, as he struggles with his feelings towards his new 'stepsister' Rae. This book is dark and delicious and has so much tension in it you'll be clutching at your kindles.

At first I was not loving this book as much as I wanted to and I think it was because of my love/hate for Rae in the beginning. She was so stand-offish and acted awful towards people when first meeting them, I didn't like how prejudiced and immediate to judge she was. However, as the book went along she really developed and started getting out of her shell and being more accepting, I loved seeing her friendship with Amalie and Camila grow.

Ethan, bless him, he was so messed up and hurting so much it was hard to read his struggle. I'm so glad to see him get the HEA he deserved in the end, after being thrown in the deep end. I'm glad Rae was able to forgive him and we were finally able to see the loving, kind Ethan we all know that was in there.

Their relationship had so much tension and was so hot, it was hard to keep up with all the ups and downs. I loved every minute of it. They are completely suited for each other and I loved witnessing their love grow.

I love a mean girl redemption so much, I was so surprised and happy to see that unexpected friendship between Chelsea and Ethan and I'm excited to see them more in Fierce. I am so intrigued to read her book and her thought process, I'm also looking forward to Shane (guessing it's him) and seeing his character more. He's so bland at the moment, but with Chelsea I feel we're going to see how exciting a character he is. I can't wait! Also, we're getting another Rosewood book too! I'm so curious to see who it's about considering Alyssa got here book in the Love in Lockdown Anthology! Maybe it's going to be about Zayn, I wonder.


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