
I was not expecting this at all when going into the book, from what I had seen of Mason I thought he was going to nicer somehow? But, he was darker and broodier - I felt so much for him. He suffered so much and I was not prepared.

This story is the second book in the Rosewood High series and follows Camila and Mason, the best friends of the previous protagonists. This is a friends-enemies-lovers book, which is always a great trope to read to be honest.

I really enjoyed it, at first I wasn't liking it as much as Thorn but it really picked up near the end and I found myself devouring this book! Camila's character annoyed me a little, but you really see her grow and I ended up loving her near the end. She became less jaded and more free.

Mason just couldn't catch a break and I was so happy to see him get his HEA with Camila in the end - it's what he deserved. I also loved being able to see Ethan, Jake and Mason's friendship more in this book. I'm really hoping we get more in Ethan's book.

Ethan damn, he looks like a piece of work and I'm so excited to read his book. A lovely step-sibling romance is on the horizons and already Rae seems like the kind of girl I'm going to love. I'm also really wanting to read about Chelsea too (I'm thinking her hero is Shane?) I'd love to see her get a redemption and hear her side!

Overall, this is great series so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where the next books take it and the characters!


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