

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

This was such a deep and hard hitting story. The second book in the Dark Kings series focuses on Grave, an addict and the brother to Bones and friend of Cross and Titan.

This book was so dark, raw and real all wrapped in one. I'm surprised that I loved it so much, but I did really enjoy it. It contains some triggers so just be warned before reading it!

I think Tessier dealt with the hard topics really well and in a way that really touched me, in the end I found myself crying.

I loved April she was a breadth of fresh air, she was so cute and I did not expect that twist at the end. I loved the friendships she had with the girls in this book.

Grave was unexpected I didn't realise how sensitive he really was, he was so soft when he seemed so hard and just wanted love and respect from people around him. I really enjoyed his and April's relationship and thought this was amazing book to bring it out!

I'm looking forward to the rest of the books in the series, it seems so good so far!


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