
Arc in exchange for an honest review!
I was not, was not expecting to love this as much as I did! But I enjoyed it so much! I especially loved the Adalyn and how she was being cared for that exposure was so good! I loved being able to see Asperger's being shown in a positive light and ways that Adalyn was still able to thrive and live, I found it so interesting and different! Jasper was an amazing father as well!
I really loved Jasper’s character he was such a good one and such a good man, as well as Viola I loved her and how sweet she was! The relationship between her and the band was so good too!
I loved seeing the rockstar life, I always love that in the books and normally I hate single dad, but once again this one was done so well!
The only thing I didn’t like was Jules’ character, omg what a b****! Also, I hated Gus - I thought he was disgusting towards Viola, I hated how needy he was it was awful! I hope he lays off next book! Those characters really made me go ugh during the book, I was not having them - they were awful people!
I’m excited to read the next book!


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