Arc in exchange for an honest review.

This book completely blew away all my expectations. It was something completely dark and not for the feint of heart - this is for sure a bully romance in the beginning. There is a lot of bullying, but I can't help but be pulled into the relationship that is Cadee and Cooper. Their past especially intrigued me and I wanted to find out more from the beginning.

I loved Cadee, she was so strong and I love how she always just took it and never backed down or showed weakness. That secret she carried with her all those years just proved that as well, she's such an admirable character.

I actually loved all of the characters in this book (maybe not Lars that much) and I was so surprised by that ending. I was not expecting that AT ALL. I loved the sense of unity all of the kids had at the end and I'm intrigued to see where the next book will go. I think it's meant to be a duet? I'm happy with how it ended if not! I'd love a book on all the others though! I love Ax's character.

Cooper oh my do I love him, what really hit me about his character was when he just said "I'm sad" it really hit home and I loved being able to see his character unravel into something complex. All the characters in this book were just so good and I love how they were all portrayed (all the characters at the camp I mean.) Damn Dante is a piece of work, but he is something and I lowkey like it.

Cadee and Cooper were so cute and I love them, I like how their together and it's only them - because it's meant to be this way. The way they love, care and stand up for each other was great and I'm excited to see more of them in the next book!

This was a great read and something so different! I definitely recommend!


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