Corrupt Kingdom by Ava Harrison


This book was very interesting to read, I loved the whole Hades and Persephone vibe and retelling it had to it - I thought it was unique and a nice modern way to spin the story.

The way the events happened and the plot of the story happened was believable and didn't seem inconceivable. I think more focus on Boris and actions through that would've been better, I hated seeing Cyrus lose power in his business I thought there should've been more emphasis on that.

I loved Cyrus as a character he was so complex and dark, yet sweet and compelling. I also LOVED Ivy, she was such a strong female and I loved how from the beginning she wasn't scared and tried everything in her to stay true to herself and be strong. Their relationship was very cute and the end scene was adorable, I did love them.

This was a very different book, yet very enjoyable I do recommend.
This was a new author for me and I'm glad I read her work, I can't wait to read more of her work later on.


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