

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book so much, it was short and very to the point and I can't wait for the next one in the series, it ended in such a mysterious, what the heck happens next kind of way.

Poppy was an amazing character and I can't wait to see her becoming more herself in the next book too, I loved seeing her development and seeing her come out of her shell.

Ronan was so ughh, one of my favourite male heroes of the Dangerous Romance Club series. He was mysterious and open and confusing and so hot, I can't wait to see what happens with his character in the next book.

Also, another great thing about this book was that the plot was so good too, there's mystery in it which I adore and I'm left wondering how this will all pan out in the next book and who the heck Poppy can trust. I love a good mystery in the plot.

Check out this book when it comes out January 12th!


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