

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I can't believe I got an ARC for this book, I have been eagerly waiting and panting for Cillian since he was first introduced in The Hunter. Boy, was I not disappointed - he was everything I expected and more.

LJ and everyone having read this early was right when saying that Kill is the most brutal and callous hero to date, that's what made me love him more - I wanted to delve into his brain and see what made him tick just as much as Persephone did, I was desperate for it.

Persephone was the perfect heroine for him, having been a Belle fan myself, after reading this book you can truly see the connection and how they fit just so much more. She's his bleeding heart and it was beautiful to read.

This series just keeps getting better and better, and I'm so excited to delve into the rest of the Boston Belles. I think this is my favourite LJ Shen series to date - I can't help, but the love characters and the world that they are living in.

What I most loved about this book was LJ's way of writing Cillian, when it all came out at the end I was so surprised - however, it all just made sense. It was very well done. I loved being able to see into Cillian's mind about his opinions of others, at times it made me chuckle - I really liked seeing his relationship with Hunter from his side too.

We get to see all our characters back again from the other book, more of the elusive Sam, the fiery Belle, saintly Ash and our previous read - Hunter and Sailor, all coming together again. Once this book was done I just needed more about these characters - especially Emmabelle, I think she may be on par with Daria of being my favourite LJ Shen character to date and I cannot wait for her book to come out!

This book showcases love in a beautiful way, it's all about fighting for it and finding the feelings in order to get there - Cillian and Persy help each other to do so.

This book was definitely worth the wait and you won't be disappointed, check it out when it comes out December 17th!


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