

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

First of all, I can't even believe I was lucky enough to get an ARC and I am entirely grateful in this aspect to get an early look at this beautiful, raw and real story.

This story completely broke and brought me back together again.

Grace was such a different heroine to read about and I love that she was brought into this world through this book. She was a breadth of fresh air. She was such a beautiful and important character, I loved seeing her start to love herself again across the length of this book. She's such a role model I loved how sassy and strong she was, and I love how West was constantly there to support her as she learned to love herself like he did her.

'You're making a big deal out of nothing, it's just scar tissue.'

I fell in love with West's character completely and he has to be one of my favourites, seeing his struggle throughout the book made my heart break, I cried for him. He's such an important character for me and I'm sure he'll touch everyone else's hearts too. He was a wolf on the outside, but hiding a broken little boy on the inside.

What I most appreciate is that Grace and West represent, for me, that there is someone out and people out there who are your better half if you just look. Someone will love you for you despite your external or internal scars, and it's that outlook this book gave me that makes it just that more special.

Honestly, this is some of Shen's best work to date it's something real and emotional. I cried over this book so much over Grace's struggle as she rises from the ashes and West's battle to live in a world where he didn't believe he should.

'I didn't want to die when I was with Grace.'

This book deals with so many serious and important topics rarely touched upon and I felt myself truly seeing myself in West and his struggles. I love how he finally found himself with the people around him.

I really really loved West and East's friendship. Also, their names paired together made me LOL! I love when friendships are portrayed so well in books, where the other halves truly care about one another - in the sense they'd die for each other. I love how East never deserted West.

'East insisted on going wherever I was going... I knew I'd be all alone in the world if it wasn't for him."

This book showcases important relationships, friendships, family all wrapped into one paired along with beautiful metaphors circling around phoenixes and rising from the ashes in the face of adversity. It reminds you that if you suffer a tragedy, it's not the end but rather a beginning, a new chance.

Everyone needs to go read this book when it comes out September 15th (the day after my birthday ayyy), you won't regret it. It's one of LJ's best to date!


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