

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

This book is dark and I mean dark (it also contains some triggers), so just be warned when reading this. If you don't go into it with this mindset you'll end up judging. I absolutely loved this book. The dark setting was completely right for this couple and the plot was immaculate, I didn't see so many things coming and I love when that happens!

Jade was an absolutely amazing heroine, one of my favourites. The amount of strength she had given her situation was so admirable. She was awesome, I really respected her and loved reading her. That reveal at the end was AHHHH, made me love her even more!

I loved Royce too, I didn't understand him at first but when the story unravelled I understood and fell in love. He's so swoonworthy and damn does he have a thing for Jade or what.

I loved all the supporting characters too, so sad this isn't a series, because they were amazing I just want to know so much more about them and the way everything unravelled in the end was wow!

This was some of Amo's best writing and I applaud her so much for this! Definitely check this book out when it comes out on September 1st!


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