

Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I've been waiting for this book for so long and it did not disappoint in any way! I didn't think anyone was going to top Devlin and Blair, but honestly Thea and Bishop stole my heart! This is grouchy boy meets super sunshine girl to the fullest! It's even cuter because Connor actually calls her sunshine too!

This story all stems from one raunchy picture that Thea decides to send Connor and it all goes from there. The story follows Connor (best friend to Devlin from the last book) and Thea the shy, innocent, nerdy girl who goes to school with them.

Eden has some talent for writing such swoon worthy heroes, Connor was definitely no exception. I loved being able to see his development across the book and see his love for Thea grow by each chapter. I honestly just adored it and him so much.

Thea was amazing, she was such a sweetheart and I love how she was a nice girl throughout - but also incredibly strong. She was so admirable and I love how she was into baking, that was such a nice change to be able to see a character be interested in. I also loved seeing Bishop super into computers, I just found him so much more hot when he say some super computer nerd stuff about hacking, LOL.

This book deals with a serious topic and the way it was handled is done so well. The way Thea reacts is the most real I've seen any character react and I have to applaud Eden for that. Her writing just keeps getting better and better. 

Connor and Thea were so adorable, they were so in love and I loved being able to witness their relationship blossom and then slowly grow from there. The bonus chapters and epilogues honestly made me cry they were so bitter sweet and cute being able to see these characters in the future. Devlin and Blair make an appearance and remind me why I loved them so much. I'm glad we got to see them a lot in this book, especially interacting with both Bishop and Thea.

I think I can guess who the next book is about and honestly I'm so intrigued and excited for it! You guys need to read this book and series! Ruthless Bishop comes out 31st August!


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